Hitchhiker Spotlight

Max Wolter

Role: Technical Engagement Manager / Yext Administrator
Previous Roles: Implementation Manager, Platform Manager, Client Support Specialist

How long have you been on the Hitchhikers team?

2 Months

What projects have you worked on since joining the Hitchhikers team?

  • Building out the Yext.de Answers experience
  • Tons of German search quality review
  • Working with the Protestant Church of Germany for their (hopefully soon!) German beta launch
The Yext.de Answers Experience!

What is your proudest accomplishment since joining the Hitchhikers team?

Completing the Hitchhikers training; learning and applying HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

How has becoming an administrator/Hitchhiker affected your career?

I've already acquired so many new technical skills in such a short time. I can't wait to keep building out my understanding of different coding languages. Also, it's super cool how Answers is taking our years of highlighting the importance of a structured Knowledge Graph to the next level.

What is one thing people might not know about being an administrator?

It allows for a fair amount of experimenting and learning on the fly. Perhaps because of that, our team is super resourceful and always willing to help out with advice and recommendations.

What is the toughest challenge you have had to overcome on a project?

Debugging! Is something not being surfaced or displayed as intended? Then you might have to grab your detective hat and go investigate the search query, your search configuration, page design etc... Challenging but fun!

Hear From Our Other Brand Heroes

Kristy Huang

UPWARD Analyst

Amani Farooque

Senior Yext Administrator

Sam Torres

Senior Yext Administrator

Chris Camp

Associate Value Engineer

Susie Xu

Upward Analyst

Nico Bardin

Sales Engineer

Lanre Danmola

Upward Analyst - Product Management

Adam Engel

Enablement Business Partner, Global Partnerships & Strategic Alliances

John McGraw

Associate Sales Engineer, Mid-Market

Tim Bonk

Associate Sales Engineer

Josh Butler

Yext Administrator

Alyssa Hubbard

Upward Analyst

Austin DaCunha

Upward Analyst

Cam Brown

Associate Sales Engineer

Sarah Bokhari

Sales Engineer

Brad Naumann

Sales Engineer, Enterprise GEOS, North America

Jessie Yorke

Yext Administrator

Lisa Lundegard

Senior Sales Engineer

Anna Rigby

UPWARD Analyst (currently Brian Distelburger's Chief of Staff)

Garrett Gomez

Upward Analyst/Hitchhiker

Emmy Panken

Associate Sales Engineer/Hitchhiker

Victor Dadfar

Hitchhikers Software Engineer

Lucas Bonetti


Quentin Vinesse

Yext Administrator

Malcolm Higenyi

Associate Data Strategist

Max Wolter

Technical Engagement Manager / Yext Administrator